The Rose Adventure

or What happens when a non-gardener impulsively buys 15 David Austin, bare root, English rose bushes.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Rain, rain, go away...

Rain, rain go away...

It's been raining all day without letting up.

All the Cascadia Petunias are sighing and hanging their heads.

The small Jade Plant was so waterlogged, I had to take it inside and prop it up with a plastic fork till it gets its spine back.

Rain, rain, go away, please come back some other day, after we've had a full week of sunshine so I can water all the plants with Miracle Grow.

Sunday, right before the storm rolled in, I finally had a new batch of soil/composted manure/peat moss to pot up the cucumbers. They were dreadfully rootbound. The photo isn't clear because I was hastening the process less I got struck by lightning. Plus, rogue raindrops were pelting. Does holding a camera make one more of a lightning target?

Of course, after taking this photo, I had to work really fast getting the six cucumbers, three geraniums and remaining Red Cascadia potted up before the downpour. What a rush! What excitement! What dirt-slinging, thunder-cracking thrill!

The only pots available for the cucumbers were the occupied geranium pots.

Which meant I had to remove the geraniums and plant them in bigger pots.

Which meant I had to make room next to the last Red Cascadia for one of the geraniums.

All in all, having the 10 plants exchange pots with each other, with no one left out, before being hit by lightning, worked out just fine.


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