Septre 'd Isle and Fair Bianca in, Pat Austin out
This afternoon we planted three more roses. It would have been four but we had an "Information Exchange" over the placement of the fourth rose. It was unanimously decided by the Chief Benefactor of the Rose Support Team that we did not want to slice through the cable TV line. Nor did the Chief Benefactor of the Rose Support Team want to dig another 10 foot trench to reroute the phone cable a second time. Also, I could not properly portray my vision of a half-arch leaning toward the mailbox with a miniature porch swing hanging under it and glorious copper blooms hanging over it and some small flowers surrounding it. Therefore, Pat Austin got demoted and put back in the bucket of mud water in the garage.
We did get one rose in by the mailbox though, the second Septre 'd Isle. I figure having another Septre 'd Isle near the front of the property will give some kind of continuity to my color scheme. Since I did not buy the roses specifically for their color, a color scheme has been quite tricky to pull off. Adding more excitement, I've been told by the Rose Support Team that the phone cable is still buried perilously close to the new rose roots behind the mailbox. I did not witness this. Fortunately, I could not find anywhere in Roses for Dummies that you can't plant a rose near a phone cable.
Today's other two roses were both Fair Bianca, which we successfully planted by the front walk. I read that these white roses look splendid against a dark house so they should work well with our barn-red house. I've always disliked barn-red on a non-barn so eventually we'll paint the house some dusky blue hue. By then, all the roses will be well-rooted and the color scheme will look even better.
My mom called tonight to check out my gardening progress. She wanted to know what my roses were going to climb. I still have no idea. My husband said he would build a pergola. Based on his past performance, he should have started the pergola about the same time I learned to walk. So we're still undecided and the last high climbers are going to have to wait.